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Is The Great Resignation Coming To An End?


is the great resignation almost over

The Great Resignation, which has seen employees from all sectors of work voluntarily quitting their jobs, continues to affect all aspects of the job market. As of March 2022, 4.5 million employees quit their jobs and there were a record 11.5 million job openings. However, the Great Resignation may start to see a slowdown due to various current events.

What Is The Current Job Market Like?

In an effort to maintain their workforce, many companies are offering better benefits and higher pay. According to CNBC, hourly wages increased by 6% and employees have the upper hand when it comes to choosing what they want from their careers. Julia Pollak, who is the chief economist at employment site ZipRecruiter, said:

“We are seeing massive demand for workers. This is a labor market that is more of a job seeker’s market than any we’ve seen.”

Employers are willing to offer more flexibility and financial incentive to keep their employees. They feel employees think that it’s easier to leave. As Daniel Zhao, Senior Economist at Glassdoor said, there are more opportunities to “go find jobs that pay better, offer better benefits, or quite simply are a better fit.”

Signs That The Great Resignation Is Slowing Down

The next few months will still be beneficial for employees and job seekers, but there is likely to be a slowdown. Thanks to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the pandemic, and the Federal Reserve raising interest rates, workers are going to want some stability.

Jobs in industries like leisure and hospitality are still seeking to fill a lot of positions, but it will be less stark as people tighten their spending. Zhao said:

“In the next few months, the hot job market isn’t going anywhere. [But] this is the time to take advantage of the tighter labor market for workers because there’s no guarantee these conditions will persist.”

From job seekers to employers, the Great Resignation has had a major impact on all aspects of the job market. Signature Source is a globalized talent acquisition firm that connects high quality employees with their perfect company. Retaining Employees is important, so is finding the best for your company. Signature Source has the resources to help. Learn more by contacting us on our website or by calling 1-888-613-4179.

High Job Openings Continue to Persist After Great Resignation

High Job Openings Continue to Persist After Great Resignation


The Great Resignation has become something of a hot topic within the news cycle. In case you haven’t heard of it, the phenomenon refers to the high number of people quitting their jobs in search of higher pay, greater managerial treatment, more flexible schedules, and better benefits. According to CNBC, last November saw a quit level high of 4.51 million people, which is roughly 3% of the overall workforce. Industries such as transportation, hospitality, and utilities saw the highest levels.

Results From Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey

Recently, the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey shared more recent numbers from this past February, which showed a slight decrease in quits since November: 4.35 million people. Still, it was higher than January’s numbers, which was around 4.25 million people. The industries with the highest quit rates this time around included education and health services. Despite the lower numbers, there are still a record 5 million more job openings than available workers. This translates to 1.8 jobs for every person unemployed.

Signature Source President and CEO Jean T. Strickland sees all of this happening in real time but feels hopeful. She said:

“We are seeing in the global mobility industry a significant number of job openings, some from the “great resignation” but many are due to our clients who are the preferred providers in the industry expanding their businesses with new account signings, new service offerings and global expansion. We have the privilege of representing the organizations who have a healthy and employee/customer centric culture which enables us to truly “Make a Difference” for candidates who are looking to work for the best of the best in the industry.”

The same survey found that hires increased by 263,000 in February, while layoffs and discharges hovered around 1.39 million. The Great Resignation has driven inflation higher, which in turn has pushed the federal government to start raising interest rates. It’s unclear what the next few months will hold for the job market, but more information is likely to come out soon.

The May job opening and labor turnover survey will be released in July 2022. We’ll be here to keep everyone up to date on the findings and how you can prepare for that as a company.

Part of the Great Resignation stems from a lack of satisfaction in a person’s current job. At Signature Source, we pride ourselves on pairing job seekers to their perfect company. We offer resume writing, interview guides, and other industry tips. Check out our website to learn more.

Is the Great Resignation Just a U.S. Thing?


Great resignation

The pandemic quite literally changed the way people live and work. From “zooming” to hanging with your “quaranteam,” employers learned new ways to work with their employees. Nowadays though, companies are dealing with a new obstacle: the Great Resignation. What exactly is happening with the Great Resignation though, and is it just a U.S. phenomenon?

What is the Great Resignation and Why is it Happening?

According to CNN, the Great Resignation is a high number of people quitting their jobs for numerous reasons. Many employees are realizing that they’re not satisfied with their job after working through the pandemic. They’re quitting in search of higher pay, greater managerial treatment, more flexible schedules, and better benefits.

CNBC noted that 4.35 million workers left this past February and 6.27 million were counted as unemployed. In addition, there are 11.27 million job openings left. This leaves a huge discrepancy, with estimates that there are 1.8 jobs for every one person unemployed. Education and health services had the highest levels of job openings, followed by professional and business services and finally, trade, transportation, and utilities.

Is the Great Resignation Just Happening in the U.S.?

While not as stark as the U.S., employers around the world are also experiencing the effects of the Great Resignation. Quit rates have jumped in countries like the United Kingdom, Australia, and France, and surveys have shown that Germans, Japanese, and Singaporeans are thinking about leaving their jobs in the next few months. Similarly, LinkedIn data this past January showed that people in Spain, the Netherlands, and Italy were looking to switch industries.

Some would argue that other countries handled the pandemic better (testing out more flexible work days and higher pay), but many of the same issues that U.S. employees are feeling are taking hold across the world too. A lot of employees cited burnout, a lower salary, and wanting to find a company that aligns more with their values as reasons for wanting to leave. Tony Wilson, director of the Institute for Employment Studies, thinks that the Great Resignation won’t hit other countries as hard, but it’s still something that is on the minds of employees around the globe and offers potential opportunities for career happiness. As Patrecia Ming Buckley, a Sydney-based employee, said:

“I don’t think people woke up one day and were super unhappy with their jobs. I think it’s been building for years and years and years.”

Despite what the Great Resignation might mean for employers, there are still job seekers out there who are looking for their perfect job. As a globalized talent acquisition firm, Signature Source vets best employees for your company. Start by contacting us on our website or by calling 1-888-613-4179.

The Secret to Getting a Top Job Interview

Secret to getting top job interviews

You’ve done the research on the company, dressed the part, and now it’s finally happening! You’ve snagged an interview! It doesn’t matter if it’s your first of several interviews or you’ve made it to the final round. Here are some things to keep in mind so you don’t ruin your chances at getting the gig. Below are tips from job coach Adunola Adeshola.

Don’t Be Afraid to Brag A Little

While no one likes someone who thinks too highly of themselves, don’t be too modest. Adeshola says that it’s OK to highlight some of your best accomplishments and to avoid negative language. The interviewer wants to talk to you because they think you could be right for the job, so don’t downplay what you’ve done as a humility tactic. She said:

“Instead of disqualifying yourself, go straight into the experience and skills you do have. Either show how your experience has prepared you to be an asset or show how your background has equipped you for this new challenge. Identify your specific results and the impact you delivered and then highlight that in your interviews with confidence.”

Oftentimes potential hires don’t want to talk about their skills in case they get hired. Other times they want to show they’re a team player by saying “we” instead of “I.” Adeshola said that doing this diminishes your role and gives the impression that you’re taking credit for someone else’s work.

Be Aware When You’re Using Filler Words or “Rambling”

When you’re constantly saying “uhmm” and “ahh,” you give off the impression that you lack self-confidence and that you didn’t prepare well for the interview. Perhaps you’re trying to avoid answering a specific question, or you want to appear neutral in your answer, or you’re trying to frantically kill time as you think of an answer. Adeshola suggests:

“To prevent dancing around a question and rambling, get clear on what you bring to the table before the interview and decide on the skills and stories you want to use to back up what you can do. If you are asked a question that catches you off guard, request clarification and lean into the value and skills you know qualify you for the role.”

She suggests researching the company and making sure that you understand what their mission is. Companies want to hire people who have the same passion that they do. When you appear confused as to what the company does, it reflects negatively on you. Adeshola also advises practicing answering some of the most common interview questions or brainstorming potential questions that could come up. This will help you feel more confident and relaxed.

Interviewing for jobs is always a nerve-wracking process, but Signature Source can help. We have the resources and tips on how to ace a job interview. Plus we help connect qualified candidates with employers. Learn more by contacting us here.

5 Soft Skills Employees Need To Succeed In Hybrid Workplaces


Five Soft Skills Employees Need For Hybrid Workplaces

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people work. While some companies have changed their workforce to permanent remote work, others have taken on a hybrid model. According to a survey of 1000 global business leaders from Ernst & Young, about 90% of employees “desire greater flexibility in where and how they work.” However, with hybrid work comes a new skillset to thrive in a workplace that straddles the home and the corporate office. New research from FlexJobs and PAIRIN identified the five most important “soft skills,” or interpersonal skills, that focus on communication, leadership and teamwork. Brie Reynolds, the career development manager and a career coach at FlexJobs, shared some insight to go along with each of these skills:


Supportiveness means the drive to assist, protect and provide for others in emotional or physical need. This is especially important in a hybrid work environment because you’re likely to be working with people in a physical capacity and a virtual capacity, and showing that you’re willing to help out shows you’re kind and proative. “Check your schedule each morning and if you have a light day, reach out to the colleagues you work closest with and offer to help them out. Message them and say, ‘Hey, I have some extra space in my schedule, can I take something off of your plate?’ says Reynolds.


Assertiveness means you express and interact with boldness, enthusiasm and confidence. Whether it’s an in-person meeting or a virtual meeting, being assertive shows that you’re interested and listening to what is being said. Reynolds says, “If a manager is seeking ideas or feedback during a meeting, raise your hand, offer your opinion or vocalize support/add to a co-worker’s idea. Even when you don’t have something new to contribute, you can say, ‘I really like this person’s idea, it makes the most sense to me.’”


Compliance means to maintain self-discipline and conform to another’s plan, rules, will or direction. This doesn’t mean to let others take advantage of you though. Rather, being skilled in compliance means that you can show your supervisor that you’re aware and responsible when it comes to the job’s expectations. “Write out a to-list or develop a method for keeping track of the work you need to accomplish each day. But also show your manager or tell them how you’re organizing yourself so they can see that you’ve got self-discipline and can be responsible for meeting the job’s expectations without constant supervision,” explains Reynolds.

Conflict Management

Conflict management means the ability to effectively negotiate and resolve disagreements. Similar to being supportive, conflict management is a very important skill because a hybrid work model doesn’t make it easy to spot conflict. You can read body language much easier in person as opposed to over a video chat right? Reynolds says to “[a]ssume mistake over malice when something goes wrong. We can’t see physical cues that a co-worker is struggling over the computer like we might at the office, so it’s better to problem solve, and offer solutions, versus name calling and creating an unnecessary conflict.”

Relationship Management

Relationship management means the drive to draw close and remain loyal to another person or people — to truly connect and enjoyably engage with them. Many employees have learned that it can be hard to maintain relationships virtually, even though you could literally access the person at any time in any location. You need to be more mindful of actually reaching out and cultivating connections. Reynolds suggests, “Start a meeting with some small talk, like, ‘How was your weekend?’ or ‘What are you looking forward to this week?’ You should also plan 20 minute coffee chats with co-workers to learn more about them as a human outside of work and what their interests are to build a connection.”

Do you have more questions about incorporating these soft skills into your workplace? Check out our website and contact us with any questions.

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