
Signature Source Blog

Three Interview Questions to See the Truth in Every Candidate

What is it that makes some candidates seem so great on paper and then turn out to be duds on the job? How do so many seemingly qualified prospects eek their way through the interview confidently, only to become a mirage once they’re asked to complete a task? Are they lying, or are we asking the wrong questions? The truth is that most interview questions have become so standard that any candidate has spent years practicing the perfect response. Instead, we need to get them to speak candidly about themselves, and that requires more creative questions.  Read More

Redefining Work-Life Balance During Your Next Career Move

We’ve spent decades talking about why it’s important to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Motivational speakers and life coaches dole out advice about shutting off your phone at the dinner table and scheduling time for hobbies. However, when it comes time to find a new career path, many of us are faced with the reality that life is about to become unbalanced. Read More

8 Reasons Good Employees Leave

In the increasingly competitive world of business, what is it that makes highly productive, and seemingly happy, employees suddenly jump ship? Why are some companies having better luck hanging onto their top talent than others? There could be many factors at play.

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How Immigration Reform Will Impact Global Mobility

Since 1965 the Immigration and Naturalization Act has been a hotly debated topic for politicians on both sides of the aisle. Currently, the act is designed to help bring families back together and encourage skilled workers from other countries to come to the US. This system invites innovation and has been especially beneficial to technology companies among others. Changes in immigration reform are likely to slow the flow of skilled workers to the US and present challenges to companies seeking to recruit the best talent in the world. Read More

Global Mobility Job Change – What’s Next?

How do I resign effectively without burning any bridges?

Today, more than ever, it is important for employees at all levels to preserve the peace and make a graceful exit when they decide to move on from a company. At Signature Source, we always advise that “how you exit is how you will enter”.  This industry is a “nitch” industry and it is far better to depart an organization with honesty, respect and cooperation than to leave on ill terms or in the “cloak of the night”. With information so widely available on the internet, it is not surprising that a single burnt bridge could come back to haunt you before you even realize it.  In fact, this subject is so often discussed that there are dozens of articles from major professional magazines, newspapers and blogs available. So how do you go about resigning from a global position without damaging your reputation or losing valuable allies to your career? Read More

  • National Association Executive Recruiters
  • National Association Personnel Services
  • Foreign for Expatriate Management
  • Society for Human Resources Management
  • Worldwide ERC
  • Women Business Enterprise National Council
  • Southeast Regional Relocation Council
  • Chicago Relocation Council
  • North Texas Relocation Professionals
  • Houston Relocation Professionals
  • Tennessee Relocation Council
  • Midwest Relocation Council
  • Metro Atlanta Relocation Council