
Why Boomerang Employees Are Important To Your Organization

Boomerang Employees are important to your company


People can come and go from a company, but some return to the place they used to work at. How is this possible and what are the logistics like? Returning employees, also known as “boomerang employees,” are beneficial to organizations and are an integral part of the workforce, especially in an age of labor shortages. Below are some tips on how to make it easier and more compelling for boomerang employees to return.

Normalize Leaving and Be Explicit About Returning

Some companies treat employees that leave as a personal betrayal but this is the last thing that should be done. Jen Andrasko, vice president and global head of alumni at Bain & Company, said that they think of employees as part of their ecosystem. She said: 

“You need to be talking about your alumni and their successes and the work that they’re doing out in the world when you are meeting with recruits because they are your talent brand in the marketplace.”

Talking openly about former employees and what other career plans are in the works normalizes leaving a company. Similarly, be explicit that the door is always open if an employee wants to return. Andrasko, who is a boomerang employee herself, said that when she first left, her boss told her that she’d be missed but if she wanted to return, she could. 

Create a Good Offboarding Process

Creating a positive offboarding process is another way to create a boomerang employee or attract future employees. According to Gallup, workers who have a positive offboarding experience are 2.9 times more likely to recommend the company to others, and they are likely to come back in the future. 

Bain & Company provides departing employees with resources to support their individual career goals and connect them to alumni in their fields of interest. Andrasko says that by going the extra step to make these people feel supported, they are five times more likely to promote the organization.

Start Or Promote An Alumni Program 

If your company does not have an alumni program then it’s time to start thinking about starting one! These programs are the perfect opportunity to promote your brand and cultivate talent. By encouraging former employees to join their alumni program, your organization is maintaining an ongoing relationship that could create boomerang employees.

Alumni programs let former employees stay in touch with what’s going on with the company (LinkedIn newsletters, monthly emails, etc.), which in turn can pique their interest again if they see something relevant to their career goals.

Stay In Touch 

Lastly, let departing employees know that you want to stay in touch and exchange contact information such as email or phone numbers. This is an easy way to touch base and see what the other is up to. 

When there’s someone at a company that’s in regular contact with a departed employee, they are more likely to come to mind when new career opportunities arise. 

If you have questions about boomerang employees or just need more information about the current state of the job market, Signature Source is your go-to resource for all things about job hunting and job hiring. Learn more on our website or feel free to contact us here

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