
Ways To Reduce Stress at Job Interviews

job interview

Preparing for a big job interview can be stressful even for the most qualified candidates. Fortunately, there are a few simple tactics you can use to help get your mind in the right place and avoid making any mistakes when you meet face-to-face. Check out these three quick tips for avoiding job interview stress.

Research the Company in Advance

The simplest way to gain the upper hand in an interview situation is to make sure you know more about them than they know about you. This is pretty easy because most hiring managers only have time to give resumes a cursory glance before scheduling interviews. In the meantime, you can scour the social media feed of the company, read their blogs, and get up to date on their latest products and services. Come prepared with questions about what they have planned next.

Remember There are Lots of Fish in the Sea

No matter how big the interview feels when you first get the call, sometimes it helps to remember that there are plenty of opportunities available to you in the future. Don’t put all your eggs in this one basket. Sure, if it’s your dream job, you want to give it your best, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on all future opportunities either. Try to be reasonable with yourself about how important the interview really is in the big picture, and remember that you and your interviewers are only human.

Practice Answering Standard Questions

By now you probably know the most common interview questions that hiring managers ask. Do yourself a favor and think up some straightforward answers to those questions before you go in. For instance, what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? When was a time you had to overcome an unexpected problem and go beyond your normal job expectations? How have you handled conflicts in the past? Even if the managers don’t ask you these questions exactly, you can usually find some way to spin your answers to fit the questions they do ask.

Job interview stress doesn’t have to ruin an otherwise exciting time. Instead, practice your answers, do your research and keep a cool head about what this interview really means for your future. Then you should be fine to handle any panel of judges without a problem.

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