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Giving Thanks: The Right Way to Show Appreciation At Work

Giving thanks in the workplace

This month is all about giving thanks!  We very often think or our family at this time, but it’s important to think about your work peers as well! Giving thanks and creating a culture of thankfulness doesn’t need to be done only in November but can be done all year.  The following information highlights the Wall Street Journal’s “As We Work” podcast.

Research on Giving Thanks in the Workplace

Sara Algoe, Ph.D., from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has conducted extensive research on the impact of positive emotions in the workplace. According to her findings, showing work appreciation can significantly impact employee morale and job satisfaction.

Here are some of her key insights on how to show appreciation effectively:

  1. Be specific: When showing appreciation, be specific about what you are thankful for. Instead of simply saying “Thank you,” mention what the person did that made a difference.
  2. Timing is crucial: Timing is important when it comes to showing appreciation. Expressing gratitude immediately after a task has been completed can have a greater impact than waiting until later.
  3. Show appreciation in a meaningful way to the recipient: Different people have different preferences for how they like to be appreciated. Some may prefer a public shout-out, while others may prefer a private thank you note. Take the time to understand what each person values and show appreciation in a way that resonates with them.
  4. Make it a regular practice: Incorporating regular expressions of appreciation into your workplace culture can significantly impact employee morale. Make it a habit to show appreciation regularly and consistently.
  5. Lead by example: As a leader, you have the ability to set the tone for the entire organization. Lead by example by showing appreciation to others and encouraging others to do the same.

Actionable Steps to Giving Thanks

Jacob Coite, a scheduler who sent over 2,700 compliments to co-workers, highlights the importance of showing appreciation in the workplace. He believes a positive and supportive work environment can greatly enhance employee engagement, motivation, and overall job satisfaction. Here are some of his insights on how to show appreciation at work:

  1. Make it personal: Personalizing your expressions of appreciation can make it even more meaningful to the recipient. Use the person’s name, talk about specific things they’ve done, and ensure they know how much you value their contribution.
  2. Use various methods: There is no one-size-fits-all approach to showing appreciation. Mix it up and use different methods such as verbal recognition, written notes, or small gifts. This variety can help to keep things fresh and make it feel more authentic.
  3. Celebrate successes: Celebrating successes, both big and small, is a great way to show appreciation. This could be something as simple as acknowledging a job well done or organizing a team lunch to celebrate a major project milestone.
  4. Listen and acknowledge: Simply listening and acknowledging your employees’ perspectives can go a long way in making them feel appreciated. Take the time to understand their needs, values and motivations.
  5. Create a culture of appreciation: Encourage everyone in the organization to show appreciation and make it a part of the company’s values and culture. This helps to create a positive and supportive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

In conclusion, showing appreciation at work is a crucial aspect of employee engagement and motivation. By making it personal, using different methods, celebrating successes, listening and acknowledging, and creating a culture of appreciation, you can create a positive and supportive work environment that benefits everyone.

Creating the Ideal Employee Experience

Creating the Ideal Employee Experience

The employee experience is the biggest driver of business success. From productivity to retention, everything is affected by the employee’s work experience. So how do we create the ideal employee experience? Dave Carhartt, VP of Advisory Services at Lattice, shares his insights on BambooHR’s The Era podcast.

8 Key Points to Consider

When building an employee’s experience, here are some key lessons to consider:

  1. Start with empathy. Without inhabiting the employee’s perspective, you cannot understand their experience. Consider their expectations and their responses before acting. Empathy is the foundation of all employee experience decisions.
  2. Anticipate needs and invest ahead. When you notice shortcomings resulting from the business’s scaling, you are already on the back foot and trying to catch up. Do your best to anticipate the employee’s and business needs. Invest ahead in people infrastructure. Where possible, deliver more and a bit sooner than someone needs.
  3. Invest in managers of managers. According to Dave, managers of managers can have an outsized impact on the functioning of a team. Dave explains, “A new manager with the right kind of training and support and enablement can get many things right the first time…. Even a decent manager, if directed by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing, can get off into really bad places.” It’s often said that people don’t leave bad jobs; they leave bad bosses. As Dave points out, that makes those bosses’ bosses doubly important.
  4. Focus on what will be meaningful for your employees specifically. You may feel the pressure to enact every program and provide every perk. However, avoid trying to chase every project you see on your LinkedIn feed. No company is doing everything at once. Instead, invest strategically in what will impact your employees the most.
  5. Have a compensation plan. In a tight talent market with decades-high inflation, difficult decisions must be made about compensation. On top of this, the New York pay transparency law will go into effect this November. For companies hiring remotely, this will essentially mean publishing their entire compensation structure. Therefore, the time to create a plan if you don’t already have one is now. Set priorities so that your employees will be taken care of while you attract new people.
  6. Market your benefits. Many companies find that their thoughtfully designed benefits package is underutilized. Once you have customized your benefits for your employees, you must market them. Take a page from marketing experts and learn to tell the story.
  7. Account for hard-to-define norms. An employee’s day-to-day experience is often affected as much by the implicit rules as it is by the explicit ones. Do your employees avoid taking advantage of the unlimited leave you offer? Is there tension between teams regarding when your hybrid employees do and don’t come into the office? Try to make explicit the implicit norms governing employees’ behavior. Set expectations so that employees are free of pressure. Make sure they know the rules they need to follow—and the guidelines they don’t.
  8. Be transparent. There are many factors to balance with any project, and we all want to execute flawlessly. There can be pressure to put up a facade of control and perfection. Dave shares, “I felt like you had to get something to a state of perfection with the 10-page FAQ and everything; it’s all secret until it just gets launched on the unsuspecting employees.” But when figuring things out, try to be open about your mindset and challenges. This can alleviate the pressure to nail it on the first try. Employees who know where you are coming from are likely to be more understanding. Dave continues, “The more I was open…, the more that people seemed to come along on the journey with us.” Also, this can help set expectations for employees that things are still subject to change. Finally, this can help employees feel like they have a voice too. They can tell you if your actions aren’t fulfilling your stated goals. This can only result in better outcomes for all.

Final Thoughts

If you’re ready to help build and live the ideal employee experience somewhere new, Signature Source is here to help! With a combined experience of over 60 years in the industry, our expert team of relocation industry veterans ensures an unparalleled advantage in pairing the right talent with the right job at the right company. Search through the list of openings we are recruiting for on behalf of our clients to find your new home, or contact us directly if you want to know more. We look forward to hearing from you!

Successfully Navigate the Hiring Process When You Have a lot of Experience

Navigate the Hiring Process When You Have a lot of Experience

As a candidate with a wealth of experience, you have many valuable skills and insights to offer potential employers. Unfortunately, sometimes a wealth of knowledge can signal someone of older age.  Unfortunately, ageism in the workplace is a reality for many job seekers, especially those over 50. While it’s illegal to discriminate against someone based on age, it can still happen during the job search process.

Tips to Navigate Around Ageism

Ageism can make interviewing challenging, especially if you’ve had a long-term position with another company. Here are some tips to help you navigate hiring and land your desired job.

  1. Emphasize your skills and experience. Ageism in the job market often stems from the perception that older workers are less tech-savvy or adaptable. Emphasize your relevant skills and knowledge and show you are up to date with the latest technologies and industry trends.
  2. Highlight your flexibility and adaptability. Be prepared to discuss how you have adapted to changes in your career and how you can bring a fresh perspective to a new role. Show that you are open-minded and willing to learn new things.
  3. Discuss your accomplishments. Talk about specific achievements in your career and the impact you have made in previous roles. This will help to demonstrate your value and show that you are capable of making a positive contribution to the company.
  4. Be mindful of your online presence. Ensure that your online presence, including your LinkedIn profile, is professional and up to date. Highlight your experience and skills, and consider getting a professional review to ensure your profile is compelling.
  5. Be confident and optimistic during the interview process. Ageism can sometimes make job seekers feel less secure, but it’s essential to maintain a positive attitude and show confidence during the interview process.
  6. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile. Ensure your resume and LinkedIn profile accurately reflect your experience, skills, and achievements. Highlight your relevant experience, including any industry-specific skills or knowledge. Also, consider getting a professional review of your resume to ensure it’s up-to-date and effective.
  7. Emphasize your transferable skills and be open to new opportunities. While you may have much experience in one industry, consider other options that may be a good fit for you. Again, be open-minded and consider all opportunities that align with your goals and interests.

Following these tips and focusing on your skills and experience, you can effectively position yourself in a job interview. Be confident in the interview. Remember that your skills and experience are valuable assets to any company. Show that you have a lot to offer and that your age is not a barrier to success.

We always seek executive leadership candidates and would love to learn more about your experience and future career goals.  Reach out to the Signature Source team by contacting us here: Contact Signature Source Executive Recruiters here!

Advice for Starting a Job Remotely

advice for starting a job remotely


Starting a new job can be both exciting and intimidating. It’s not only the challenge of a new company and company culture to understand, but to starting a job remotely can be even more of a learning curve!

How to Make the Most of Your New Remote Role

Company Expectations: Ensure you understand the company’s expectations and the tools you’ll need to do your job effectively. This can include communication policies: How does the company prefer employees to communicate with each other and clients? Is email the primary means of communication, or are other tools like chat apps or video conferencing software commonly used? Become familiar with meeting expectations. Will you be expected to participate in regular team meetings? If so, how will these meetings be conducted (e.g., via video conference, phone call, etc.), and what is expected of you in terms of preparation and participation?

Dedicated Workspace: Create a dedicated workspace in your home. Having a designated place to work will help you stay organized and focused. Choose a quiet and comfortable location. It’s important to find a place where you can focus without distractions, so try areas with a lot of foot traffic or noise.

Make sure you have a comfortable chair and a good desk or table. You’ll likely be spending much time sitting, so it’s important to have a comfortable and supportive chair. The same goes for your desk or table – ensure it’s the right height and has enough space to work comfortably.

Invest in the necessary equipment. Depending on your job, you may need specific equipment or tools to work effectively. Ensure you have everything you need, such as a good computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Keep your workspace organized. Having a cluttered workspace can be distracting and make it difficult to focus. Take a few minutes daily to tidy up and organize your space.

Routines and Boundaries: Establish routines and boundaries. It can be easy to blur the lines between work and home when you’re working remotely, so it’s important to set aside dedicated time for work and ensure you have time for breaks and relaxation.

Set boundaries with family and friends. Make it clear to your loved ones that you are working and may not be available at certain times.

Take breaks and step away from your work. Taking breaks and giving yourself time to rest and recharge is important. Try to take a few minutes every hour or so to stretch, get some fresh air, or do something enjoyable.

Be Connected: Stay connected with your team. Always check in regularly with your coworkers and stay up to date on team projects. Take advantage of virtual collaboration tools. Many tools are available to help remote teams stay connected and collaborate effectively, such as video conferencing software, chat apps, and project management platforms.

Working remotely has benefits and drawbacks in these changing times and workplace opportunities, especially when working remotely. If this is your first time working remotely, the added learning experience and new company culture can be challenging. We hope the above tips helped; if we can help you further in your career, reach out to the Signature Source team anytime!

How to Quit Your Job on Great Terms

quit your job on good terms


Leaving a job can be difficult and stressful. But quitting your job on good terms is essential to maintain your professional reputation and network.  There are several vital tips for making the transition as smooth as possible.

First and foremost, having a transparent and honest conversation with your boss about your decision to leave is essential. Give them as much notice as possible and explain your reasons for leaving respectfully and professionally. Doing this will give your boss time to plan for your departure. It will also show that you are committed to maintaining a positive relationship with them.

Best Practices on For Time of Notice Given

Providing notice before quitting a job is a common practice and a professional courtesy. In addition, it allows your employer time to plan for your departure and find a replacement. The amount of notice you should give depends on the company’s policy, but it’s best to provide at least two weeks’ notice. This will give your employer enough time to plan for your departure and show that you are committed to maintaining a positive relationship with them.

However, sometimes, giving two weeks’ notice may be challenging. For example, if you have a new job opportunity that starts immediately or if the circumstances at your current job have become untenable. In these situations, it’s important, to be honest with your employer and explain your reasoning for giving less notice.

When providing notice, it’s important to have a face-to-face conversation with your boss. This will allow them to ask questions and discuss any concerns. It’s also important to be clear and honest about your reasons for leaving and to express gratitude for your opportunities and experiences while working at the company.

In addition to providing notice in person, it is also best practice to provide a written notice, usually via email, to confirm your verbal notice. This email should also include your last day of work, and transition plans you talked about with your boss, and your contact information should they need to reach you in the future.

Additional Thoughts to Consider When Quitting Your Job

Another important tip is to assist with the transition process. For example, offer to help train your replacement or work on projects that will ensure a smooth handover. This shows that you are dedicated to the company’s success and will positively impact your boss’s perception of you.

Taking care of any outstanding tasks or projects before leaving is also essential. This will ensure that your work is completed to a high standard and that your colleagues can handle their workload.

Finally, don’t burn bridges. Your professional network is important, and you never know when to call on your former colleagues or boss for a reference or advice. So keep in touch with them after you leave and maintain a positive relationship.

Overall, quitting a job is never easy, but by following these tips and maintaining a positive attitude, you can ensure that your departure is on good terms. This will not only benefit you in the short term but will also make a positive impact on your future career opportunities.

Should you be considering a new job in the future, the Signature Source team is here for you!  Begin your job search with us here: Search executive level jobs with Signature Source

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