
Interview Mistakes That Can Damage Your Reputation & Chances Of Getting The Job – Part 1

Job Interview Mistakes

You finally got the call and your interview is scheduled. Now what? We often spend so much time preparing for the basic elements of a job interview that we fail to recognize the behaviors that are actually costing us jobs. Here are just a few mistakes that could be damaging your reputation and keeping that paycheck at bay. 

  1. Talking Bad About a Former Employer – Nearly 50% of employers say this is their biggest red flag during an interview. It is one thing to say that you left a company because of differences in opinion or managerial style, but it’s a big no-no to come out swinging against your old boss.
  2. Seeming Indifferent to the Job – There is a lot of grey area between seeming completely uninterested and seeming desperate. Don’t make the interviewer wonder why you even bothered to apply.
  3. Seeming Too Desperate – It takes practice to achieve a demeanor that shows you are interested and serious about the position without seeming like you’re kissing up. Do some research and ask relevant questions about the position.
  4. Talking About Leaving in the Near Future – It’s good to have goals, but make sure your new employer knows they can count on you to stick around after they’ve trained you.
  5. Making Things Up – Don’t try to impress your interviewer by making up examples of past work or pretending to have experience with something. Just be honest and demonstrate where you would begin solving the problem with what you do know. 

These are just a few of the biggest mistakes that interviewers make when going for a new job. As you go about your job search you need to be mindful of your attitude regarding your former employer, as well as the energy you are bringing to the new position. Next we will go into some of the more subtle mistakes you could be making.

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