5 Tips For Acing A “Virtual” Interview

FEBRUARY 8, 2016 – In today’s global, tech-centric interconnected economy, in-person interviews are no longer the norm. It is not unusual for hiring managers and HR teams to schedule important interviews on platforms such as Facetime or Skype.
Do these “virtual” interviews hold any less importance or value than in-person interviews? Absolutely not. An interview is your one-time opportunity to make the strongest impression of your passion, skills, knowledge, and experience to a hiring manager… regardless of where or how the meeting takes place. How you perform on a Facetime interview will hold the same weight as your performance in-person.
Here are 5 tips that will ensure your virtual interviews get you to the next level of the hiring process:
1) Be aware of your physical appearance
Facetime and Skype interviews are visual. You should treat them as you would an in-person interview. Take a shower, shave, put on your makeup, dress appropriately, and make sure your background is quiet, clean, well lit, and in order (i.e. no open closets, dirty dishes, dirty laundry, empty wine bottles, blaring music, etc).
2) Focus on your upper-body gestures and facial expressions
The person interviewing you on Facetime or Skype can only see your head and upper body; therefore be conscious of your posture, gestures and expressions. Sit in a chair that allows you to sit up straight, look directly into the camera when speaking and listening, and be natural with you arms and hands (if you tend to express yourself using your arms and hands, that’s ok, just keep it in check).
3) Listen, Listen, Listen
Active listening is absolutely essential to any successful interview, whether in-person or virtual. Really listen to what your interviewer is saying and asking before formulating your response. Let the interviewer complete their thought, pause, take a breath, then answer.
4) Use your notes
Take advantage of the fact that your interviewer has a limited visual scope of your surroundings. Have your resume, post its, and other notes with key talking points strategically placed so only you can see them (i.e. outside of the camera’s view). Be sure not to overuse your notes, however… this is a conversation that should have a natural flow.
5) Don’t stress over technical glitches
Of course, ensure that you are using a solid working device with a solid WiFi connection. Regardless, it is almost inevitable that some technical glitch will occur while you are on a Facetime or Skype interview. The screen may freeze, the audio may pause or get garbled, the call may cut off, etc. That’s ok- your interviewer knows these things are normal and will not penalize you for them. The key is to remain calm, focused, and undeterred by these interruptions. Just go with the flow and continue the conversation.
Now you are ready… go out and ace that interview!